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Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I've had her mum.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
YAY another poetry post
The last one's long since a ghost
I do love to play with written word
I guess because i'm a linguistic nerd

Here's some more: A poem about an LFS Dev
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Scott Mckenzie :I need to open a flag sales business in the middle east!

Don't miss out the opportunity to cross sell lighter fluid
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I'm sure you wouldnt like if a good old friend of your girlfriend started hinting on her....

That kind of thing has never bothered me, I think like this:

If she loves me she will be faithful anyway. Chase her all you like but it's me she'll come back too - if she doesn't stay faithful, well then she clearly wasn't the one as I doubt somebody hitting on her was all it took for her to stray.

What would trigger alarm bells to me was if she was hitting on her old friend...

None of this explains why i'm single.

Quote from The Very Very Very Very End :Sorry to hear. Your not the luckiest person on this planet when it comes to rellationships and such aye?

*shrug* It was just a date. When it comes to relationships i've had good and bad, sure they all ended but that doesn't meen they were bad relationships. I have learned and taken something (not a possession you muppet, I meen evolved as a person) from every girl i've ever gotten involved with.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :you kinda sorta seem to have completely forgotten about the war in afghanistan

We've been messing around in Afghanistan for decades, the fact that Operation Enduring Freedom was launched after 9-11 wasnt really here nor there, if we'd wanted to escelate things against our recent allies, the Taliban, we certainly wouldn't have needed 9-11, we'd just have gone and done it.

Enduring Freedom wasn't an invasion, it was an escallation.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :FYI Becky

Remote control has been possible for many years, google it.

I'm well aware that remote control is possible, infact the fly by wire Airbus' are relyant upon it. I don't need to be told to google about technology.

I'm interested how you think several hundred passengers didn't question why there was no captain speeking to them, why the air crew didn't notice the lack of a captain, and why there was a full compliment of passengers on board who could detect the lack of a captain at any time. Or are you suggesting that it wasn't a plane? Because I watched the second one hit live, i'm pretty sure it was a plane.

Quote :The flight paths alone, again available on the net, are impossible for skilled airforce pilots to recreate, let alone the clowns who are alledged to have carried it out.

And yet thats the flight the aircraft took. Skilled pilots wouldn't have taken it, therefor it was an inexperienced pilot fighting against warning and autocorrections and whatever systems had been switched off or whatnot. I wont claim to know a lot about flight paths or even flying (although I did once call an air hostessess bluff once when she asked me if I was able to fly a plane - I told her I could fly anything because I had a Playstation), but if a flightpath is not one a skilled pilot would take that's probably because an unskilled pilot was doing it - having done hundreds or thousands of simulation runs.

Quote :An entire 767 disapeared into the pentagon, the engine parts found certainly weren't from a 767, again google.

So some people claim, because the only government agency capable of orchestrating a military action against itself was incapable of falsifying the evidence of an attack against it's own building in order to prevent consipiracy theorists from finding out about it.

Heck even if it was a stray AA missile from a pair fired at an aircraft, one destroying the aircraft and one landing on the pentagon - it's not as if the people on the plane wheren't dead anyway, and the pentagon still got hit... so what exactly are they covering up?

And the conspiracy theory you propose for this "allegedly staged" terrorist act is that it was an excuse to go to war.

Yet when war eventually did come the government used a "secret dosier from a high ranking Iraqi government official" (read: a school project from a 15 year old who posed the question and what would be the capability of Iraq if they did have WMD's, who had left Iraq almost a decade earlier).

Given that all the government needs to go to war is a teenagers school project, given that you are using this terrorist attack as a conspiracy theory for starting the same war which we officially went too on the basis of WMD's not as retaliation, do you really think that 9/11 was a government conspiracy to start a war in Iraq?

I'm yet to be convinced.


Regarding the Koran burning I think one very good thing has come out of all of this. The priest involved has been under so much media attention that he hasn't been able to interfere with any children since this story broke.

There's always a positive side if you look for it.

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
The suggestion that governments lie therefor the American government flew a plane into a building to start a war several years later (that did require the government to lie about WMDs to achieve) is a bit ridiculous.

Who did they get to hijack/fly the plane? An ex airman with a history of militant abortion clinic protest?
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I don't see any of these christians blowing themselves up and killing women and children systematically

Catholic attacks on Abortion clinics in America since 1973:
  • 1264 Counts of Vandalism
  • 655 Bioterrorism threats including anthrax
  • 619 bomb threats
  • 383 death threats
  • 173 arsons
  • 153 counts of assault or battery
  • 91 attempted bombings
  • 41 bombings
  • 3 kidnappings
  • 9 doctors killed
I mention these events only because if I mention the war in the middle east some religious extremist will claim that it isn't a religious war, and I can't be arsed to argue.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :Funnily enough, the so-called "separation of the church and state" was derived from the Christian preacher and founder of the Protestant movement, Martin Luther, whose Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms would later evolve into the modern concept. It's very strange that some of the more politically-minded Christian groups in the USA now tries to reverse the clock with their political lobbying activities.

Actually it dates back to the antidisestablishmentarianism movement which began in Europe, America was founded by the extremely religious members of European culture because church and state were interwoven in Europe, the very founding principle of America is that faith is a freedom, and is NOT entwined with the State.

Indeed many of America's early presidents were not Christian and when we look at the only 2 historical presidents anyone outside of America knows about Abe Lincoln wasn't even a Christian and the nearest JFK ever got to getting a Christian into government was by dating a girl with "Christian" for a surname (although he was a practicing Catholic, he had this to say on the seperation of church and state, "There is no doubt in my mind that the pluralism which has developed under our Constitution, providing as it does a framework within which diverse opinions can exist side by side and by their interaction enrich the whole, is the most ideal system yet devised by man.").

Although I disagree with your historical context you do however make an extremely valid point, the integration of Church and State is a NEW concept in America being driven by the fundamentalist right which has gained a lot of ground in recent years, particularly since 9/11 has allowed many more Americans to be radicalised.

9/11 did more than anger America, it has damaged the very fabric of the countries foundation by providing the platform necessary for a religious overview of American culture.

Now in an environment where Intelligent Design is taught alongside Evolution, the book of Genesis being discussed in Science class, the Mormon church being the significant fundraiser for fighting same sex marriage, Christian charities in NY sucking government funding for healthcare of the poor ONLY to white heterosexual Christian people, the list goes on...

America is loosing it's fight to seperate church from state, yet ironically here in Britain where we have an official religion and almost every news story is followed by a comment from a Bishop of some kind (even when the story doesn't involve the church or any other form of paedophilia) a paltry 20% subscribe to it (32% including all Christian denominations) and although 71% believe the possibility that a God may exist, the fact is the Church has very little real influence over government.

However recent concessions will again increase the number of church schools in Britain, something i've personally experienced and think is quite possible the single worst type of institution to have ever been created. They're dogma bootcamps.

Anyway my point is that America was founded on the principle of disestablishmentarianism (seperation of church and state) whilst in Europe the antidesestablishmentarianists won (church and state are combined).

In the modern world the roles appear to have reversed as America is slowly becoming more radicalised by a combination of fear and hate generating campaigns and sensationalised media.

This is creating an interesting counter movement in America as many Americans (who aren't thick) are rejecting this radicalisation and are turning away from the churches.

Is history repeating itself?

tbh Islam is just a bystander. America is being strangled by it's own religion - Islam is just a useful punch bag. Simple folk with opposed views that are easy to rile up and don't have very big guns.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I had a date this weekend. Not a looker so I wont bother with pics, that'd be like showing off your outfit when you got your mum to dress you. I dated her because I liked her mind - but on investigation it turned out waaaaaaay too clinger and i've just finished the whole difficult conversation about being swamped and seriously I can't deal with a gazillion texts a day and please don't look at me with your knife collection like that...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
We're not still talking about me here then !

*wobbles on her zimmerframe*
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I've had to pay anything up to £1.23 for diesel lately, but the last time I filled up the prices seem to have come down and it only cost me £1.17. Usually Huntingdon is more expensive than Northampton but lately it seems to have reversed.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :She can ride shotgun with my Girl...nothing sexier that Girl on girl.


And no, you can't watch.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I've just had guitar purchasing woes:

I broke the bottom E string 3 weeks ago and in putting the new one in the machine head was being an ass, reading up online it appears this is a common fault with Tokai's. So I decided to replace the machine heads, and figuring I wouldn't be able to get to the local music shop until the weekend I ordered online.

3 weekends later and my order is now finaly showing as despatched, I guess they'll arrive next week.

I tried playing 5 string guitar earlier, I made less mistakes which was good... ...shame about the sound.

Of course i'm not saying online shopping is bad, it's how I make my money, but it sure seems easier selling online than it is to buy.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I find it interesting that the American press is reporting this rig as being owned by Mariner Energy rather than Mariner Energy's customer. Whereas the Horizon rig which was owned and operated by Transocean is reported as BP.

I guess Mariner Energy's customer wasn't British.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :On the other hand, it is blatantly racist, and as such, could be illegal. It's one of those grey area things.

It really isn't a grey area, but i've no doubt that it still happens. I think racism has changed over the last 5-10 years though, from my own observation i'd say the focus seems to have shifted away from white/black hate and onto nationality based hate, which is also illegal - but still happens.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Ad rhis post is writ from mah iPone so you still lose...
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from :This is about racing

It really isn't.

Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from oscarhardwick :It is fair to say in the last 3 to 4 pages Becky has shown far more sense than anyone else here... including myself but at least i can accept I am an idiot unlike certain others.

I know you said 3 or 4 pages, but you meant 3 or 4 years of course.

mhmm. I'm long term awesome. Oh yes.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :Becky, ur still getting more then me, now that's sad.


That would be sad because?

Everyone should be getting less than me because I'm awesome - and completely I'll equipped to deal with the reality of my singledom, clearly.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from ZiemO :except the rally stage

At least until we get the Rally Pack
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Well if it's pictures that are needed I have to resort to exes on account of the fact that even Logitec is getting more than me at the moment - I do realise how sad that is.

So here's some more ex pictures

Another pic of previously featured ex

Met this girl online some years back, we hit it off straight away and where a sort of 'item' overnight and intended to meet, but she changed her mind in the morning. Then a little while later we decided to meet up anyway as friends. Not really an ex per say but i'm dregging the barrel here trying to get back on topic She was a good friend for a while but recently moved away.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Read the start of the transcript and thought the child, i meen Logitec, was being a passive aggressive dick.

I'm friends with most of my exes to varying degrees of contact. But it's not something I've ever discussed in the same conversation as dumping them. It takes time - and avoiding outbursts on facebook is a good idea too.

Any textual means of dumping someone is inhuman and makes you an ****. If you are going to break someones heart at least have the stomach to do it face to face. Even long distance you could at least phone or cam chat. MSN/text message is harsh.

Have some humanity, and demonstrate that you understand the difference between what a girlfriend and a best friend is.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :TKM rear axle is 1400mm in lenght

That's what you get when you ask a woman to estimate distance. Spatial awareness fail.

There's an obvious joke there I wont go into.

At least I was half right. That is, I guessed exactly half of the correct value.
Becky Rose
S2 licensed
I pretty much only read this section nowadays, everywhere else on the forum is the same old threads for the last 2 years - literally nothing has changed so I have no interest anymore. At least in off topic people are generally nattering and sometimes that can be quite interesting.

As for the rest of the forum, well it's about LFS, and two things have gone wrong there. The first thing I don't need to mention, the second is the community enforcing their eutopian ideals of what they think the devs want them to say ... That is, endless bickering about forum ettiquette every time somebody they dont recognise posts, after all these years *peers over her reading glasses at you* it's tiresome.

I don't play the game itself anymore, although I did spend a day coding under insim this weekend just gone - so the potential for some interest is there, but really i'm waiting for some new content before I bother to relearn the ropes and get interested again. I need 3 or 4 new tracks to relight my fire, and without them it's just the same old fictional emotionless corners all over again.